Ghost Caravan Presented by The Popguru Review


A FREE Livestream Concert!

The Popguru Revue is an immersive high-production live-stream concert series featuring performances from an array of the company’s diverse and dynamic artist roster. The Toronto-based record label, management company and music publisher, Popguru Sound & Vision, continues the concert series with a performance by Ghost Caravan, a group of collaborators lead by singer/actress Shaina Silver-Baird. On her debut album and various singles released since, Silver-Baird has collaborated with members of Martha and the Muffins, Grand Analog and the Weeknd. Silver-Baird says, “My music is about finding the light, the moment when you realize your own strength and ability to move forward. I want to be proud to share our songs with young women. There are so many voices in the world telling women how to think and feel about themselves. I want to be the voice that celebrates women. I want to empower and uplift people.”